Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Not Much

Today has been a long day, and I just finished my reading, so just a short post and then to bed. I have an 8:30 am interview downtown tomorrow, so I've got to be up at the crack. I'm in my second day of the Gospel of John, and I'm enjoying many things about it. Today was chapters 8-14, and there are so many fascinating things in there that I could post 100 blogs on these 7 chapters alone. Alas, I am out of energy, though, so I won't (somewhere Cheryl said "Hallelujah").

If you think about it, pray for me tomorrow morning. I have an interview and another job possibility that I am pursuing. Plus, I have to continue to search out housing. God is faithful and he has a plan, but there are times when I feel as desparate as Hannah in the temple, praying with her mouth moving, but no words coming out.

Ah, well. All for His glory. More tomorrow.

Soli Deo Gloria

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